A Prayer Based on Psalm 22

Lord, we turn to you in times of loneliness and trouble. We think on the experience of David in peril, and also of the Greater David in the shadow of the Cross. Like Christ, help us to endure the misunderstanding and threats of others.

People mock my trust in you. It makes me feel more like a worm than a person. But Lord, I DO trust in you. Deliver me! Rescue me! Show me your delight!

I look back on the years and remember your care for me through many troubles. You have had purposes for me all along. So don’t be far from me now! Come to my aid.

Whatever I am to endure, I’m aware that you, Jesus, endured even more for me. You sweated blood in Gethsemane, you were cruelly shamed in the courts and through the streets. Your body was pierced, and racked with agony for hours of torture on the Cross. Your enemies taunted you like a pack of wild dogs encircling their prey. And it’s precisely because you went through all of that – and rose victorious on the other side, that I look to you for deliverance!

I’m confident that you will bring me through these trials. And when you do, make me faithful to thank you and praise you in the midst of the congregation! Use my experiences to spread the fear of the LORD far and wide. You are a God who does not despise or abhor the affliction of your suffering people. You do not hide your face – you hear and answer! Let those who seek you take courage!

I’m happy for my story to be a piece of your big story. My heart longs for all the ends of the earth to remember and turn to the LORD and worship you. For kingship belongs to the LORD and you rule over the nations! May all glory and honor be yours, as it rightfully is. May all flesh see and honor the One who died – may Jesus the Christ be served from generation to generation. We proclaim his righteousness, and know that all that’s required for good to triumph – HE HAS DONE IT. Amen