Scott Taylor

Scott is husband to the lovely and talented Sarah, and father of two energetic and inquisitive boys: Phinehas and Soren. After some years serving the church in Asia, and then as an associate pastor at a church near Toronto, Scott started at Christ the King in July, 2021. As lead pastor, he seeks to unpack the riches God has for His people through expository preaching and to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints. In addition to live jazz music, Russian novels, and exploring big cities, Scott loves connecting over a cup of coffee or praying together while walking with friends.

Victor Thompson

Victor grew up in Jamaica where he started the lifelong journey of knowing more of the Lord each day. He met Jaye, his wife, in Jamaica and is still getting to know her better too. They are blessed with three adult daughters. After 20 years in Indiana, the family was led to join Christ the King upon relocating to Oswego in 2010. Victor was ordained as one of the pastor/elders in 2016. In addition to sharing in the overall shepherding of the members, he currently oversees most of the logistical side of the church’s operation.

An image of Brett Paddock, a pastor at Christ the King Church in Plainfield, IL

Brett Paddock

Brett and his wife Katie got married soon after college and moved to the Plainfield area where he’s been working as an engineer since 2012. They have three children: Nathaniel, Noah and Autumn. Brett joined Christ the King in 2016 and quickly got involved in worship music and Life Group. In 2023, Brett was ordained as a pastor/elder. He has a passion to know God, read and study, and serve the church however needed.


Ben Allums

Audio / Visual

Sarah Taylor

Children’s Ministry

John Kratschmer

Deacon of Finance

Brett Llewellyn

Deacon of Worship Music

Katie Paddock


Jen Hill

Women’s Ministry

Ashley Kratschmer

Digital Media Coordinator