Prayer based on Acts 17:1-9

Father, we thank you for the perfection of your plan to unveil salvation to the Gentiles through Paul and his ministry partners during that first century of the church! We ask for a measure of the same boldness that he and Silas showed when they shared the gospel in Thessalonica. Equip us and give us confidence to reason from the Scriptures as they did. Just as they looked for a harvest first in the synagogues, so also we pray that there would be an awakening among Jewish persons in our context. Use us to show Jewish and Muslim neighbors and coworkers that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead.

Lord, we are amazed at Paul and Silas and Jason’s steadfastness amid violence. We thank you that this persecution is fairly foreign to our society, and yet we pray that it would not be because of a lack of faithful testimony on our part! Give us the joyful desire to make Christ known at all costs, proclaiming with Martin Luther: “Let goods and kindred go/ this mortal life also/ the body they may kill/ God’s truth abideth still/ His kingdom is forever!” We ask that the same complaint the mob had then would be repeated today in Illinois: “These Christians who have turned the world upside down have come here also!” Let it always be clear that our loyalty is to King Jesus above any earthly powers. And in the end, give vindication and rest to your servants as you have promised to do. We love you, Lord. Make us worthy to suffer for your Name! Amen.