The Global Need for Becoming All Things to All People

the source church plainfield

In yesterday’s sermon text (1 Corinthians 9:19-27), we contemplated many ways in which we need to “flex” for the sake of the gospel, right here in our own context. These same verses, however, have also served as motivation and strategy for cross-cultural missionaries across the centuries. 

As an example, one missionary who courageously took these words to heart was J. Hudson Taylor, who in 1865 started the China Inland Mission. He was a bit of a scandal back in his native England because of reports of how he wore Chinese clothing, ate and spoke just like the Chinese, and even wore a pony-tail (the popular fashion among men in the Qing Dynasty). You can read more about Hudson Taylor by clicking here:

But even today, there is much more work to do to break down barriers for the gospel among unreached peoples. Check out this video to help get your mind around the vastness of the remaking task: May God use each of us in some way (praying, giving, sending, going) for the sake of the gospel in these lands, that we may one day share with them in its blessings!