What would Jesus say to churches today?

“His eyes were like a flame of fire…In his right hand he held seven stars” (Revelation 1:14-16)

Actually, we don’t have to wonder that! Revelation 2 & 3 contain seven letters from Jesus to specific 1st century churches. Here’s the thing though…these are structured and written in a way that is meant to be representative for the issues faced by all churches across time. Hear this paraphrase from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook (Kevin DeYoung) and notice how relevant the messages are to churches in different contexts today:

“Dear Ephesus, I know you are patient and hardworking. You believe the right things, and you don’t give up when things are hard. But you’ve lost your love for me and for others. Repent and remember what you used to be like. If you overcome your lack of love, you will live with me in paradise.

Dear Smyrna, I know you are poor and have many trials, but don’t be afraid of suffering. If you are faithful unto death, I will give you a crown of life.

Dear Pergamum, I know you live in a difficult place. You hold fast to my name and are not afraid to share the good news. But some of you have started believing the wrong things. Repent and stick to the word of God. If you get rid of the lies, I will give you the bread of eternal life.

Dear Thyatira, I know your love and faith and service. But you are too tolerant. You put up with sinful behavior and false teachers. Repent and deal with the sin in your midst. If you are willing to be unpopular, I will make you shine like stars in the heavens.

Dear Sardis, I know you have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Your works are not as good as you think. Repent and stop living a double life. If you put off dirty things, I will give you clean, white clothes so you can live with me forever.

Dear Philadelphia, I know your good works. You may seem small and weak, but you have kept my word and not denied my name. If you stand strong, I will make you a pillar in my heavenly temple.

Dear Laodicea, I know that you are lukewarm, like bland, yucky water. You are leaving a bad taste in my mouth. You think you are rich and have it all together, but you are poor and falling apart. Repent and get serious about your faith. If you open the door, I will come in and feast with you.”

Which letter(s) do you think is/are most relevant to our context, or to The Source, or to where you are at personally? Consider using the content of Revelation 2-3 to fuel your prayers for our church!