Located in the southwest suburbs of Chicago, Christ the King is an Acts 29 affiliated community of believers serving the Plainfield area. We are a group of people with diverse stories, from diverse backgrounds, who have in common the gratitude for having received “a kingdom that cannot be shaken.” Our shared story starts as rebels against the King, by nature acting out of allegiance only to ourselves, with lives marked by inner turmoil and futility. But when the goodness and loving-kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of anything good we had done, but because of his own mercy! His Holy Spirit washed us into a pure identity as we came to trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ to make us right with God.
This can be your story too. We invite you to come alongside us, delight in Christ with us, and belong to this local outpost of his kingdom. There’s nothing terribly unique happening in our midst that hasn’t happened historically in all faithful churches. But what happens in every faithful church is earth-shattering: it’s nothing less than the remaking of humanity, raising us up as heirs according to the hope of resurrection life! Christ is the only one who can save us, satisfy us, and bring us into the presence of God the Father. He does this by His grace alone, which means we cannot compel Him to love us more, or less, by our behavior. Yet we find that as we believe on him and belong to his people, he does transform us through his love, making us even more truly human – with the freedom and power to be the person we were always intended to be.
This is the heart of Christ the King Church, and the message we bring to the people of Plainfield and surrounding communities.